品牌 | 3M |
材质 | 聚氨酯胶 |
产地 | 美国 |
3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱3M 8300车体密封胶
3M 8693聚氨酯胶汽车玻璃胶,是一种单组份潮气固化聚氨酯胶,专业用于汽车挡风玻璃、后窗玻璃和侧窗玻璃安装粘接的快速固化高强度玻璃胶。快干、易清洁、易挤胶、使用方便。
3M 8300车体密封胶
产品描述:3M Ultrapro Autobody Sealant is a tan, heavy-bodied seam sealer. It is a quick skinning, fast curing and flexible sealer.
3M Ultrapro Autobody Sealant can be used wherever heavy bodied seam sealers are needed. Paintable in 40 minutes, 3M Ultrapro Autobody Sealant is ideal where time and speed are important.
Aheres to painted metal, glass and aluminum
A excellent heavy-bodied, solvent-based seam sealer
Remains flexible over time
High solids and low shrinkage
Common, easy to use cartridge system
3M 8693聚氨酯胶|上海3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱美国3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱江苏3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱苏州3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱无锡3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱常州3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱昆山3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱南京3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱天津3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱北京3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱河北3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱石家庄3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱河南3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱郑州3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱安徽3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱合肥3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱广东3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱东莞3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱佛山3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱深圳3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱广州3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱惠州3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱珠海3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱浙江3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱杭州3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱宁波3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱福建3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱厦门3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱福州3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱山东3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱济南3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱青岛3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱烟台3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱湖南3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱长沙3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱株洲3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱湖北3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱武汉3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱江西3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱南昌3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱黑龙江3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱吉林3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱沈阳3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱辽宁3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱大连3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱重庆3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱四川3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱成都3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱绵阳3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱陕西3M 8693聚氨酯胶︱3M8693聚氨酯胶︱3M 8693聚氨酯胶