全铝家具 All aluminum furniture

所在地: 山东省 临沂市
发布时间: 2019-09-25


Linyi Peng Lai aluminum all aluminum furniture, aluminum profile products factory tell you:


Market demand and market prospect of aluminum furniture

全铝家具的名称已经悄悄的进入许多家庭中,北京,广东,山东,江苏,浙江,山西,吉林,安徽等各大城市中 全铝家具都是比较的。

All aluminum furniture has quietly entered the name of many families, Beijing, Guangdong, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shanxi, Jilin, Anhui and other major cities, all aluminum furniture is relatively popular.

现在普遍家庭中板材家具运用的还是比较广泛的,可是全铝家具的出现使得板材家具的缺点越变越大 首先全铝家具大的优点就是这给板材家具当头一棒,全铝家具都是采用插接用螺丝固定等不需要任何粘合剂 同时是积压的大块料,也不会像板材一样用大量的黏合剂根本不需要担心甲醛问题

Now universal family furniture still widely used, but the whole aluminum furniture made of plank furniture disadvantages bigger first aluminum furniture biggest advantage is to the formaldehyde free furniture aluminum furniture is a head-on blow, by inserting screws fixed, does not need any adhesive and bulk material backlog the same is not like sheet with a large number of don't need to worry about formaldehyde adhesive


The second advantage of all aluminum furniture is waterproof and moisture-proof, this is wood can not be compared

像开始的铝合金门窗 用个几十年不会话刮风下雨都是没有问题的

Like the beginning of the aluminum alloy doors and windows for decades, not words, wind and rain are no problem


Next is not deformation, not long hair, not long time oxidation, and there is high recycling value


For decades after they can sell scrap recycling high value


Therefore, the advantages of all aluminum furniture is plate furniture can not be compared

很多客户都是看着比板材家具优点高 价格也合理

Many customers are looking at the advantages of plate furniture, and the price is reasonable


Therefore, all aluminum furniture market is relatively wide


Don't worry, there's no market for all aluminum furniture

因为市场上正需要这种的价格合理 优点又非常多

Because the market is in need of such a reasonable price, there are many advantages
