
所在地: 上海市
发布时间: 2020-09-18


全新的NanoRacer®采用了新的架构结合更低噪音、更高稳定性的Vortis™ 2控制器,全新的驱动算法与力控制算法,可以在速下获取高分辨的生物样品信息。新系统整合了基于工作流程的V7操作软件,直观的用户界面与流程化、自动化的设置使得研究人员可以专注于自己的实验,加速研究的产出能效。


Maximum scan speed of up to  50 frames/sec with 100 ×100 nm2 scan range and 10 k pixels

Atomic defect resolution in  closed-loop

Designed for medium to small sized cantilevers for lowest forces and highest scan speeds

Ultra-low noise cantilever-deflection detection system

IR cantilever-deflection detection light  source with small spot size

Optional photothermal cantilever drive. 730 nm wavelength ensures minimal sample interaction compared to blue-light excitation

Highest detector bandwidth of  8 MHz for high speed signal capture

Automated laser and detector   alignment

Scanner unit

2 × 2 × 1.5 μm3 scan range

Sensor noise level < 0.09 nm RMS in xy

0.04 nm RMS sensor noise level in z

Highest resonance frequency for z axis of >180 kHz

Typical sample size 4 mm diameter

Control electronics

Vortis 2 Speed controller: State-of-the-art, digital controller  with lowest noise levels and  highest flexibility

Newly designed, high-voltage power amplifier drives the scanner unit

New workflow-based V7 SPMControl software

True multi-user platform, ideal for imaging facilities

User-programmable software

AutoAlignment and setup

Advanced feedback algorithms

Fully automated sensitivity and spring constant calibration using thermal noise or Sader method

Improved ForceWatch™ and  TipSaver™ mode for force spectroscopy and imaging

Advanced spectroscopy modes, e.g. various force clamp modes or ramp designs

Powerful Data Processing (DP) with full functionality for data export, fitting, filtering, edge detection, 3D rendering, FFT, cross section, etc.

Powerful batch processing of force curves and images, including WLC, FJC, step-fitting, JKR, DMT model and other analyses
