春晨 JBQ电机引接线 引出线

所在地: 江苏省 淮安市
发布时间: 2024-12-06

江苏春晨电缆有限公司生产春晨 JBQ电机引接线 引出线,


Influence of high voltage on insulation resistance: leakage current

绝缘材料在恒定电压的作用下,总有一微小的泄漏电流通过。泄漏电流的大小与材料的电导率成正比,与其绝缘电阻成反比。将一块固体绝缘材料两端加上直流电压,则流过其内部(而非表面)的电流随时间的变化趋势如下图所示所示。春晨 JBQ电机引接线 引出线

Under the action of constant voltage, the insulating material always has a small leakage current. The leakage current is directly proportional to the conductivity of the material and inversely proportional to its insulation resistance. When DC voltage is applied to both ends of a piece of solid insulating material, the current flowing through its interior (not its surface) will change with time as shown in the figure below.


The relationship between current I and time t in solid insulating materials


The relationship between current I and time t in solid insulating materials


At the moment of power on, the charging current IC can reach a very high value, but quickly enter the absorption current stage. IA is caused by the polarization of molecules and ions in the medium. Its size changes with time, and is also affected by the electrode shape, the type of medium and temperature. It usually takes more than a few minutes for the absorption current to completely decay to a constant current value Ig. Some materials even take a few hours to several days. Ig is called leakage current, which is determined by the insulation resistance of the medium. The ratio of IA to Ig is several to dozens of times. Therefore, if the current is measured immediately after the voltage is applied and the insulation resistance is calculated according to this, the resistance value is significantly smaller. Generally, the insulation resistan
