汉高过滤器胶Macroplast EP 3030

所在地: 上海市
发布时间: 2025-03-07

MacroplastEP 3030/EP5030 

DIRECTIONSFORUSE PreliminaryStatement: Prior to application it is necessary to read the Material Safety Data Sheet for information about precautionary measures and safety recommendations. Also, for chemical products exempt from compulsory labeling, the relevant precautionsshouldalways beobserved. Pretreatment: The substrate should be clean, dry, free of dust, oil, grease andother contaminants. Application: The adhesive is only to be used within a limited time (pot life). Therefore only the amount that can be applied within the time of pot life should be mixed. Thoroughly mix resin (A)andhardener(B)in the correctproportion. Generally the recommended service temperature range for this product is -55 to +80°C. However experience has shown that higher temperatures, of around 200°C, may be endured for short periods providing the adhesive is not undulystressed. When encapsulating components care should be taken to prevent air entrapping during mixing and pouring of the resin.
